Hello, I'm Sanjeev

Senior Frontend Engineer with over 15 years of experience and currently working at eBay. My core skills are Node.js, JavaScript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, GraphQL and Ionic/Cordova, and I have worked with frameworks such as Backbone, Angular, React and Marko js. I specialize in web app and hybrid mobile app development.
Recent Posts
Observer design pattern using javaScript
In this blog post, we will discuss an observer design pattern using javascript from scratch.
Avoid common mistakes in Asynchronous JavaScript
In this blog post, we will learn some common mistakes while writing asynchronous javaScript code with examples. If you are a beginner, this article is for you, but even if you are an experienced devel...
Top features of Github Copilot that every software developer should know
In this article, I will discuss github copilot and its top six features that every software developer should know.
Feature Flags
In this article, I will discuss feature flags, its advantages, disadvantages and demonstrate sample code using openFeature javaScript client library.
How to debug JavaScript code?
In this blog post, we will explore and learn different ways to debug javaScript code with examples.
Writing unit tests for asynchronous Angular Service methods
How to test angular services consisting of observable, promise, setTimeout () and delay () ?
How to make Angular component Test resilient and refactor friendly?
In this article, I will be discussing two strategies to make the Angular component test resilient and refactor friendly.
Top 7 ways to improve the performance of web apps
In this article, we will be discussing about various ways to boost the performance of web apps which ultimately provides high-quality user experience to the end users.
Optimize fonts loading and rendering on web application
How to apply preloading, DNS prefetch strategy and font-display property of CSS to improve the loading speed of a web application by optimizing the web fonts loading and rendering process?
SOLID principles in JavaScript
In this blog post, we will explore each of the SOLID principles with JavaScript examples using function () constructor and prototype methods. You can consider these as class and class methods respect...