1:1 Mentorship

Whether you are trying to build new projects or brainstorm on which tech stack to use or make an architectural decision or debug any code issue, I can work with you by providing awesome mentorship experience.

Whether you are a new grad looking for advice or a seasoned engineer looking to get to the next level, as a mentor, I want to provide support on both technical and career goal accomplishments. Change careers, Pass interviews, Grow your career, Learn a new skill, Change jobs, Learn a new tool, Build a product

Mentorship benefits for mentees

Source: https://medium.com/javascript-scene/struggling-to-find-great-senior-javascript-developers-mentorship-is-the-answer-d352ea3574eb

How do I join ?

Option 1 (Paid)

You can message me to ask any questions.

Option 2 (Paid)

Sanjeev MentorCruise five star rating

Option 3 (Free)

I'm also mentoring on adplist.org